Last week, I decided to treat my colleagues to some candies and small presents for Christmas. I wanted to give candy canes because it’s special, it tastes really good and there’s a very nice Christmas story behind it. I also decided to give some Post-It holders, something non-edible they could use throughout the year.
So, I had about 4 days to buy, assemble and wrap 25 gifts with 1 big problem. I can't find candy canes in Miri.
Well, I really give thanks to God for providing me with the
means to complete everything. How?
- It just so happened that my husband’s family was going to KL for a holiday and one of his sisters was returning on the 21st (my deadline was 22nd). She managed to help me buy the candy canes.
- I managed to find a nice poem about Candy Canes that explains the who and why of Jesus Christ, our saviour.
- I was able to get hold of everything I needed to make enough gift tags, post-it holders and goody bags all in one day.
- I managed to come up with a general idea how to put everything together quite quickly. Normally, I spend DAYS AND DAYS stuck without any ideas.
are the 5(4) types of Post-It holders I made.
Here is a picture of the completed gift.
I hope that they like their gifts and realize the true meaning of Christmas.
Merry CHRISTmas!